We set off on an adventure to Nice France in hopes of gaining a bit of southern exposure French Riviera Style. I was not prepared for the breathtaking beauty of this little part of the world.

Today’s adventure took us along the promenade which hugs the Mediterranean Sea. Though rocky, the water is an iridescent aqua blue along the shore. It is winter here in February with temps in the low 60’s and sparsely cloudy sky’s. A fine day for adventure.

Southern Exposure French Riviera

After lunch at Ma Nolan’s Irish Pub, we left the port and made our way to Castle Hill. 390 steps later (Joy counted) this beautiful waterfall glistened in the mid day sun to reveal our own personal rainbow. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, and a bit of fumbling language, we managed to exchange photo shoots with other sojourners.

Southern Exposure French Riviera

I discovered a bit of paradise here, and the light was spectacular.

Southern Exposure French Riviera

As we made our way back down we stopped for a glass of wine at a roadside establishment called Movida as the sun slide to the west. There were no shortage of photo opportunities. In the immortal words of Lt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell “a target rich environment.”

Southern Exposure French Riviera

I completely understand why Sports Illustrated comes to places like this to shoot their calendar photos. The light for photography is astonishing!

Southern Exposure French Riviera Southern Exposure French Riviera

With the last vestiges of evening light, we stumbled upon a street performer making giant bubbles with a string between two sticks. Perhaps my favorite shot of the trip so far.

Southern Exposure French Riviera

With that, we will leave you for the evening with a hearty Voila, from the Mediterranean coast and the French Riviera. Au revoir!

Southern Exposure French Riviera

#nicefrance #frenchriviera