The Murphy-Cam Project

Category: Photography

Murphy On Moonshine
August 27, 2018

The idea of Murphy On Moonshine makes me chuckle. Not that I would actually feed him a jigger of good ole Kentucky's finest. I'm Not sure I could handle it myself. But shine it did. Murphy and I went out on an After Dark Walk. We were astonished to discover the river, alighted by our closest Celestial Neighbor. Of course I couldn't get back indoors fast enough to grab the big gun and a tripod. Thanks to a 100mm-400mm lens, and a remote trigger, I...

New Friend At The Grand Hotel
August 22, 2018

Meet Mini, my new friend at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The grounds at the hotel are exquisite. Aside from their beauty, they seem to have been designed to attract butterflies. Shown below is a wonderful specimen of Monarch Butterfly. I asked if I could take her photo. She smiled and said "Oui Monsieur", and posed for me. How gracious! Blessings from Murphy-Cam in...

Look For The Silver Lining
August 15, 2018

Two towers, not to be confused with those of Middle Earth, provide light for night games at Great American Ball Park. Mother Nature, seen here, playing a game of one-upmanship, as a burst of evening sunlight slips past a bit of cumulus. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the towers, who's job it is to produce light, shown here in silhouette. When life feels dark, it's best to look for the silver lining. Sometimes, that's the best part. Keep your light...

A Walk In The Park - Come On Along
August 13, 2018

Thank you for joining Murphy and I for a walk in the park. Today's selection includes evening golden sunlight filtered through the bridges and flowers of Smale Park. What a treat to stumble over a great burst of light, and even more exciting to capture a little bit of it through the lens. Wishing you a pleasant evening...

Fireworks Friday’s
August 12, 2018

Fireworks Friday’s are a summertime tradition in Cincinnati. Beginning 15 minutes after the conclusion of Friday night Reds home games, May through September, you can enjoy a beautiful display of Rozzi's Famous Fireworks. I was hoping to capture a selection of fireworks images for this years book. Murphy did not join me on this expedition. He is an adventurous soul, but Fireworks are not his cup of tea. In the image below, Deep Purple and...

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