The Murphy-Cam Project

Murphy-Cam Blog

Happy Father’s Day
June 20, 2020

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! Gray, I am your father. Together we can rule the galaxy as father and son! Want to have a catch? Peace -Peter #fathersday...

Music and Light
May 11, 2020

Hoping your day is filled with Music and Light! Though darkness and bad news seem to rule the news, there is much light and good in the world, just keep a weather eye out for it. Music can reach parts of us that few other means of communication can. Drink them both in my friends.  Wishing you all the best. -...

Murphy Wants To Know How You Are
April 30, 2020

We are just checking in with all our friends, because Murphy wants to know how you are. It has been a rough road for many and, by all accounts, we will not be out of the woods any time soon. Hoping you all are doing okay, and we are thinking about you. Peace -...

Happy Holy Week
April 12, 2020

Happy Holy Week to our friends around the world. Nothing pulls us together like shared hardship. Wishing you all the best, health, safety, and peace, as we move through life together. Very best...

Hope As An Essential Service
March 24, 2020

I have been thinking about essential services as we move deeper into self isolation, amid fears of the Coronavirus. There are many lists including grocery stores, gas stations, medical and emergency services. But what about hope? What does hope as an essential service look like? Faith Faith communities are struggling with this question as the traditional notion of church is upended. One might argue that the role of faith in the...

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