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Light Therapy At Night

Light Therapy

Murphy and I spent a little longer than planned taking in the beauty of our city at night, and participating in some light therapy. Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it. I thought about that while mesmerized by this dancing fountain, hauntingly illuminated from below. I must have looked funny laying on the ground, propping my camera up with keys to find this image. Murphy kept bystanders entertained as I puttered around.

Focusing on light relaxes me, helps quiet the energy of the day, and has certain healing qualities.

I hope you find your own light, in your part of the world. If not, perhaps you can find some here. Cheers from The Murphy-Cam Project!

#cincinnatiskyline #igerscincinnati #YearOfTheFlood #TheMurphyCamProject #PeterTeremi @josephbethcincy #BeingsOfLight #Cincinnati #schnauzerlovers #schnauzerdoglovers #LightTherapy


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