The Murphy-Cam Project

Category: Bridges

Year of the Flood At Joseph Beth
December 4, 2018

I am excited to announce that you can find the Year of the Flood at Joseph Beth Booksellers Crestview Hills and Rookwood locations. You can also find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and BookBaby’s online Outlet’s. I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events, and thank you for your tremendous support of the project, and our Daily Bread. Wishing you a pleasant evening from The Murphy-Cam Project! #photography #photographer #photogram...

Cincinnati Photographer Joins Local-12
November 29, 2018

Click Here To Watch Peter Teremi and his Schnauzer Murphy, a Cincinnati Photographer Joins Local 12 this morning. A new book of photography focused on the Cincinnati Riverfront, entitled "Year of the Flood - A Story of Resilience Through the Lens”, covers many Cincinnati landmarks in unique perspectives and lighting. It also includes up close coverage of the 2018 Flood in contrast to the resilience of a vibrant city. Proceeds of the book will go...

Murphy-Cam Updates And Teasers
October 21, 2018

Murphy-Cam Updates And Teasers: We have reached $275.00 through the GoFundMe campaign. Thank you, and keep up the good work! Here is a sample from the new book. It is going to press this weekend as we start the proofing process. Preordering your book through GoFundMe will Help offset the upfront costs and get you a signed copy in the process. Click the GoFundMe link below and join the excitement! Thanks again, and Happy...

Bridging Two Cities
October 13, 2018

Bridging Two Cities - Covington and Cincinnati - The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge stands regally at sunset, Bridging Two Cities, Covington and Cincinnati. I grew up in Covington. As a child I recall walking this bridge with my grandparents to visit the model train exhibits in the lobby of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company. During the holidays, we rode the bus across to the Dixie Terminal, where diesel fumes mingled with the aroma of...

Sunset Tour In Silhouette
September 29, 2018

A riverboat, seen here on a sunset tour in silhouette, cast against the Roebling Bridge and Paul Brown stadium. A beautiful end to a beautiful day!...

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